Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Our wonderful students ;)

At our school, we have a "No Chinese" competition, where the team of students who has the least penalties for speaking Chinese wins a pretty nice cash prize. The team that won decided to use a portion of their money to take the morning teachers and their spouses out to lunch. Here we are outside the local Muslim restaurant, (Daniel took the picture) our favorite restaurant in the village where we live.

Daniel and I remarked that we hope this team continues to win for the obvious benefits! But it is also nice to see that the students who are truly desiring to learn and practice English with us are being rewarded for their eagerness and discipline. The two students to my left are my faithful ones. I can always count on them to be in class and participate well. Please think of our school. It has been such a place of light and hope and we have seen many students come to know Him since our school has been in session. Next semester, many new teachers will come and we are hoping for full capacity- 75 students. This semester we only have about 30.

As we walked back to the school with our bellies full of deliciousness, one of these students told me of her recent prayer with a Chinese friend to accept Christ. He is at work in the unseen and our team here has a strong unity in showing his love, some planting seeds, some watering. What a privilege to serve Him who makes things grow!